
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Eternal Love is in the Air!

I thought that this Valentines day would be hard this year since it is my first one in a while where I wasn't dating someone. And you know what, it really wasn't! Maybe it was because it was on a Sunday so I could easily treat it like other Sundays and focus on Christ, but I think it was more than that.

Valentines day doesn't have to be about a romantic evening with your bae. It's a holiday like any other, and I love holidays! So yes I did wear all pink and purple to church, I set a super cheesy valentines day phone background, I ate heart shaped treats, and it doesn't make me feel lonely. It makes me happy! I'm cerebrating all of the love that I have in my life!

Think of all the love we have! Just this weekend I was able to visit some incredible friends and celebrate our friendship and love for each other by spending quality time together. I have a wonderful dad who bought me beautiful flowers (took awesome V-Day pictures of me) and an amazing mom who let me join her in making delicious valentines day treats. And that's only a few of the hundreds of examples of love in my life. I know that so many people love me, even if lots of times it's not said out loud. I hope you know how many people love you, including me.

And being Sunday I have had time to reflect on the love of my Heavenly Father. Who I know loves me by my many blessings and by the comfort he gives me through my trials. I love this quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

 “Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely." 

All I can do is add an amen, it's true for all of us!

So today I will not be mourning my singleness. Instead, I will think of all the love I have in my life. The love from myself, friends, family, and my savior. And I might, okay I will, be doing this thinking while eating a lot of treats, relaxing and maybe even watching a romantic comedy.

 I love all of you! Happy Valentines Day!

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