
Monday, September 5, 2011

I made Brownookies!

I invented a monster of sorts.
This is a delicious monster.
It is the ultimate dessert of desserts.
It is a brownookie.
By the way, my housemates liked it, and the boys loved it.

Cookie Mix
Brownie Mix
Cupcake Pan

Step 1:
Make the batter/dough according to the Box.
Heat oven to 325 degrees

Step 2:
For cuter Brownookies: fill the bottom with brownie batter, then put cookie dough on top.
For uglier more chocolatey Brownookies: layer brownie, cookie, brownie.

Step 3:
Bake for 15 minutes.

Step 4:
This is crucial. Make sure you let cool off all the way,
 or else they are super crumbly coming out of the pan.

Step 5:
Enjoy your Frankenstein dessert! Ice cream would be way good with it too.
It's pretty rich.
I had help from my Bestie Dain