
Saturday, September 24, 2011

I did Wall Decor

My Mod/House is really ugly.
I did some wall decor to help make it look a little better.

What You Need:
Pizza Boxes (Pizza Hut gave me some for free)
Command Strips

Step 1:
Paint Yo Boxes black, or white, or whatever color you want.
the paint covers the words, so you can't read it through the fabric.

Step 2:
Wrap Up the boxes in Fabric!
lay box on fabric face down.
cut corners.
Put glue on opposite sides.
Stick fabric onto it.
Put glue on remaining sides.. stick on the fabric.

Step 3:
Before you hang it on the wall, have a pattern in mind.
Put Command strips on the back of the boxes.
Stick it on your wall!


Also, I have RED in my Hair!

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