
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Macrame Steering Wheel Cover

So.. I kinda just figured this out, and there aren't really any good instructions. I used a belt pattern that I found online, using this website. I think she explains it way good. Instead of attaching my ends to a belt ending, I used a hair elastic. That way I could tie it super tight around my steering wheel. I had to make mine about 39 inches. My wheel has a 43 inch circumference. I then just kinda wove it onto my wheel. This project took me forever, but I'm super excited about having a way unique wheel cover. :)


  1. I want one for my little nissan!

  2. You bought a Nissan?! Make one! It's so worth the time.. because it's totally unique :)

  3. i am l--l this close to getting my car.. so close. how did you learn how to do macrame?

  4. I looked it up online. :) I love the internet.
