
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Long Week

Today is marking the official first Sunday of a new semester. Wow, slowest 4 days ever. I think I am finally getting back into the routine of things, kinda. I still need to try and go to bed earlier so I'm not so completely exhausted every single day. And I have only gone to two days of school. hehe. I took some cute pictures of Ashley while we were messing around on campus on Thursday which was fun.  Our first weekend here was pretty fun though, we went to two basketball games, both of which SVU won. woohoo! On Friday on Gina's computer we took a ton of photo booth pictures, some of which are on Georgina's Blog. We then just watched a bunch of movies on TV. On Saturday, we woke up at like 11.30 and cleaned, and Gina worked, and then we went to the other basketball game, and made guacamole.. it was so good, I'm excited to eat the leftovers. Dad should be proud that I insisted we buy hint of lime chips to eat with it. :) We then played apples to apples, where Georgina dominated, like ridiculously. She won an entire round, there were 6 of us playing. She had 11 cards, while the next closest had 4. We then watched a little of Aladdin, then went to a school dance for a little, and then me and the roomies chilled for like 2 hrs watching TV while I played with Gina's hair. Oh how I love french braiding her two colored hair, it looks sooo cool! One day I will convince her to let me do it for realsies :P Today is Sunday, we were only a couple minutes late to church.. for once I was the one who woke up first and woke the others up.. there may or may not have been some threatening on putting water on a certain person's face. hehe Well.. this is like the longest blog ever. Love You!!! Call me Anytime! :D Peace&Love

1 comment:

  1. Mia!! This is actually Danny, not Dani. I wanted to say I love your pictures. Especially the one of you in your cool (faded) jacket standing on the fence. You look so happy!
