
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Update of my recent Life

Some days I get out of bed ready to face a new day, excited to see what new adventures I will face. Other days, not so much, I just roll out of bed just waiting for the night to come where I can sleep and try again the next day.
This year I have started a new adventure in my life, called spreading my wings and leaving home, this leaving of home for me, is going hundreds and hundreds miles away to a small town called Buena Vista, where my college Southern Virginia University resides. I came out here not knowing anyone, not knowing what to expect, not knowing what would happen to me. I am doing the pre-med program here hoping in the distant future to become an Orthodontist, right now I am not expecting to marry for a while, so hopefully this goal can be accomplished, if I can get my General Biology grade up. Classes here are much as I expected, hard. Luckily, I have good teachers who are willing to work with me, and friends who get me to study when I need to. My other classes are General Chemistry, German 1, Orchestra, and Choir. All of which I am doing well in.
I Probably have some of the best roommates in the world. We have all become really close friends, which is nice to actually like your assigned roommates. The first is Ashley Abbott, or who we have nicknames 'lebo'. She is a proud resident of Vydor, Texas. She is majoring in Spanish and is just as quirky as I am, well, maybe not quite as quirky. I'm not gonna lie, I thought she was a little stand off-ish when I first met her, and I didn't know how well we would get along, but I definitely have learned the exact opposite. She is super sweet and super sarcastic, which always makes me laugh when she gets on a roll. I am with her a lot, which is fun, we are basically an old married couple, if that is possible. My other roommate is Georgina Griffith from St. George, Utah. At first I was super intimidated by her, I guess I'm intimidated by everybody, but she is super funny and way chill, she is also the one who helps me study for Biology since we have that class together. She has a boyfriend named Layton Checketts from Provo, and they are probably one of the cutest couples ever, he is leaving at semester to go on his mission, which we don't know where yet but should be finding out soon. There is also another roommate named Camille Hollandsworth, I never really see her, but when I do, she sure loves to talk, which was my first impression! so I guess that one was correct. She also has a boyfriend, which is a different one from the start of the year, and a missionary. She stays up til 4 in the morning doing who knows what, I don't know how she survives.
Health wise I have officially started my cold season, which ironically began the first day it snowed in Utah, so even though I have left Utah, I am still tied to it somehow. Lately I have developed a cough which is annoying, I mostly feel bad for my roommates when I have a coughing attack in the middle of the night and have to leave the room, cause I'm sure it disturbs their sleep too. They are being really nice about it though. I think tomorrow marks the 2 week mark of being sick, which isn't too bad, and hopefully I will get over it soon.
I'm not gunna lie, lately I wish I could be home in my room, just reading on my big bed, with no one around, just feeling completely relaxed. I miss a nice home cooked meal, I miss dad's sunday dinners, and mom's vegetarian and pasta dishes. I miss giving them a hug every night and telling them I love them. I also miss my friends back home, but I guess we had to all go our separate ways sometime. I just hope to see them all when I come back for Christmas, which I am super excited for, going home is what has kept me going lately. Oh my goodness, I can not wait to see the whole family at Christmas, including the long lost Texas couple!
Well, this has been a really long post, but I feel like I had a lot to catch up on, I love you all, and remember, I love getting mail and packages.. *wink, wink* just kidding. But give me a phone call anytime!


  1. Mia!! What a cool blog you have begun. I love how well you wrote it and how open you are with your feelings and how descriptively you tell about your life. And you are taking some mighty fine pictures! Did you get an SLR or do you have a class that loans you one?

  2. I got a Nikon Fz35, it's inbetween a point and shoot and the super nice kind, so it still takes really nice pictures! :D
